dust till dawn

dust till dawn

dust till dawn

fun with lasers, noise and dirt

maex decker, dietmar offenhuber, ushi reiter
DTD kicks up a lot of dust – with atmosphere being its sole medium of interaction. The project is a sound installation for a room with dusty floor, on which a number of phonographs are placed, playing back silent vinyl records. As a result of the visitors movements, particles of dust accumulate in the grooves of empty records and define a musical score. A carpet of monochromatic light visualizes the turbulence in the atmosphere and detects its ephemeral structures, which are directly linked to the noise generated by the dusty records. Over time, the physical impact of the interaction irreversibly consumes the interface and destroys the needles of the phonographs.

project page at servus

Exhibitions: File Festival São Paulo, 2010, uncharted/ Santral Istanbul, March 2009;  touch me festival, Zagreb, Dec. 2008; ars electronica 2006




SemaSpace is a compact graph editor and browser for the construction and analysis of knowledge networks. The program was specially designed for the fast, interactive manipulation of very large networks. SemaSpace was first released in 2004 and actively developed until 2010 by Dietmar Offenhuber & Gerhard Dirmoser.

The first version of SemaSpace was developed out of the need for a fast and powerful browser for semantic networks that involve a lot of visual content. Semaspace, a joint project with Gerhard Dirmoser, resulted in an interactive network editor and browser that was based on the web3d technology virtools, which is unfortunately now obsolete. SemaSpace was used for early projects like the ‘landscape of thoughts’, a textual analysis of statements and attitudes towards the European Union, and the first version of Gerhard Dirmoser’s Ars Electronica Thesaurus.

– visit the original project homepage
the ‘thought landscape’ (virtools player required)
the ars electronica thesaurus

featured: visual complexity

kapitel 3

kapitel 3

kapitel 3

2005 stadtmusik
music: sam auinger, hannes strobl
image: dietmar offenhuber

more information on www.stadtmusik.org

part of edition “abstracts of syn“, published and distributed by kunstverein medienturm

“Urban architecture is a sound box, it shapes a space, wherein the range of sounds which surround us is resounded and reflected. The video STADTMUSIK (“City Music”) by Dietmar Offenhuber (Linz/Boston) and the formation tamtam (Sam Auinger, Hannes Strobl; Berlin) discusses sound in cities by analysing sound structures which are triggered by urban buildings and facilities. They focus on the aspect of movement in the city, which reinforces a dynamic experience of the urban soundscape: particular sounds emerge through movement, sound and its timbre evolve from material and space. The video actually consists of two parts “Kapitel 3” (Chapter 3), “m18 felsen” (“m18 rocks”), each one discussing individually auditory situations in a big city.”

kapitel 3 (excerpt)




17min27sec, DVD video
The winter landscape of mauerpark in berlin turns into a theatrical stage, populated by pedestrians and cyclists following various, sometimes mysterious activities.
What seems like a slice of daily life is in fact heavily digitally manipulated. The soundtrack creates a second space, sometimes contradicting the visual events in the picture. The travelling focus directs the visual attention and is controlled by subtle acoustic ambience. Its unnatural strength has a miniaturizing effect on the whole scenery.


sam auinger
dietmar offenhuber
hannes strobl
actors: katrin emler, daniel scheffler, martin offenhuber

distributed by sixpackfilm – catalog page
more information on www.stadtmusik.org